PinnedPublished inQosmo LabMy personal journey into the vast ocean of AI and Creativity: “Surfing human creativity with AI —…I’m proud to announce that my book, “Surfing Human Creativity with AI — A User’s Guide,” is now available on my Bandcamp page!Feb 10, 20241Feb 10, 20241
PinnedPublished inQosmo LabMaking of “Emergent Rhythm” — Behind the scenes of a live performance using real-time AI audio…Can we use AI to create unprecedented musical experiences in real-time?Feb 1, 2023Feb 1, 2023
PinnedPublished inQosmo LabAI DJ Project#2 Ubiquitous Rhythm — Improvised Jam Sessions with Real-time Music Generation AIAn improvisational DJ performance that uses AI models to generate music in real-time through interaction with a DJNov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021
Stravinsky, Floppy Disk and Neutone Morpho — a dawn of new nano sampling technology<This is an article written for the Neutone Blog on the launch of Neutone Morpho—a real-time tone morphing audio plugin>Apr 15, 2024Apr 15, 2024
Published inQosmo LabCreativity and Misused Technology — The Future of Music and AIHere is my prediction: new musical expressions using AI will be originated by artists who either don’t know much about AI or those who …Oct 20, 2021Oct 20, 2021
Published inQosmo LabAI and a renowned dancer performed together — Can AI stimulate the dancer’s creativity?It is a story of one of my projects that tries to expand a dancer’s creativity by artificial intelligence (AI).Jun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020
AI と世界的ダンサーの共演 — AIはダンサーの創造性を刺激できるか今回は人工知能(AI)によって、ダンサーの創造性を拡張しようとしたプロジェクトのお話。May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
Creative Aliens #001 AI ×Creativity 2019.10.10/11開催— 新たな表現の地平へIntroduction of the speakers at Creative Aliens ConferenceSep 28, 2019Sep 28, 2019
Published inComputational Creativity Lab at Keio SFC2019年4月。Computational Creativity Labが始まります! at SFCすでにいろんなところで書いているのですが、この4月から慶應義塾大学SFCに准教授(有期)として着任することになりました。4月に10年目を迎えるQosmoとの両立ができるのかも含めて、自分にとっては新しいチャレンジが始まります。Mar 14, 20192Mar 14, 20192